Dr. Dobson re-appointed as a Chair

Dr. Dobson re-appointed as a Chair
April 12, 2023 s11admin

Dr. Dobson re-appointed as a Chair

Dr. Dobson was re-appointed for a second three-year term as the Chair of the International Neuropsychological Society’s Science Committee (SC). The SC was founded in 2015 and oversees multiple areas, including the Awards Committee and the INS Conference Awards.

The SC works to prioritize and advance knowledge regarding appropriateness, validity, and generalizability of neuropsychology methods across international settings, especially in developing countries. The current and future goals of the SC include: expanding global engagement, encouraging international networking, and increasing research collaborations. The SC values diversity and include members from the US, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Czech Republic, Sweden, Australia, and Brazil.

“I am grateful that I get to continue to work with an inspiring group of colleagues on projects that matter,” states Dr. Dobson, “2023 will be an exciting year for INS members as there are many amazing opportunities in the making.”

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